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  • 药王像  清代,高30cm,宽15cm,背饰熬药小童子,非常罕见。Statue of medicine king in Qing Dynasty,30cm in height,15cm in width,decoration of a little boy of refiningmedicine on the back of the statue,which is quite rare.
    [木器] 发表时间:2022-05-13
  • 葫芦  清代,高27cm,上腹径7cm,下腹径12cm,枝叶形盖,外壁漆地洒金,腹壁竖书9行42字。“伤药”两字偏大位于首行,器形完好。Calabash in Qing Dynasty,27cm in height,7cm indiameter in upper belly part and 12cm in diameter inlower part,cover in tree leaves decoration,gold pieces...
    [木器] 发表时间:2022-05-13
  • 药柜  清代,保存非常完好的一组药柜,柜体长287cm,宽48cm,高240cm,体现川西木雕简洁明快的风格,材质精良,为国内罕见。Medicine chest in Qing Dynasty,287cm in length,48cm in width,240cm in height,It is well keptand it reflects a concise and vividstyle of western part of Sich...
    [木器] 发表时间:2022-05-13
  • 屏风  清代,高205cm,长192cm,镂空雕饰福禄寿三星,外饰故事情节,做工精巧。Screen in Qing Dynasty,205cm in height,192cm in length,hollowcarving of three longevity of fukurokuju,carving of some stories,exquisite manual work.
    [木器] 发表时间:2022-05-13
  • 道医书版  名为“细分一身周天宫窍造化之图”,清雍正时初刻,民国重刻,长92cm,宽54cm。Book edition for Taoism medicine,Chinese character of Xi Fen YiShen Zhou Tian Gong QiaoZaoHua Zhi Tu carved in Yong Zhengtime of Qing dynasty and re-carved in the Republic of China,92cm in le...
    [木器] 发表时间:2022-05-13
  • 藏医木药盒  民国,直径8cm,带盖高11.5cm,配饰精巧,造型简捷。Wooden box of Tibetan medicine in the Republic of China,8cm in caliber,11.5cm in cover band,exquisite silver decoration and simple modeling.
    [木器] 发表时间:2022-05-13
  • 药王像  清代,高30.5cm,宽16cm,孙思邈座虎针龙图案,官帽官袍,龙盘卷于顶部,器物整体髹黑漆,人物及顶部和基座纹饰均镀有一层金。Statue of king of medicine in Qing Dynasty,30.5cm in height,16cm in width,blackcolor in whole,a pattern of Sun Si Miao in officer cap and gown sitt...
    [木器] 发表时间:2022-05-13
  • 候诊椅  民国,长371cm,宽30cm,高104cm,为病人候诊而专门制作家具,既有坐椅之功能,亦可供医生就此诊脉问病。Chair for waiting to see a doctor in the Republic of China,371cm in length,30cm in width,104cm in height,a special furniture for patients,chairs forpatients waiting ...
    [木器] 发表时间:2022-05-13
  • 屏风  清代,高247cm,长158cm,宽84cm,镶嵌玉制图形,造型大气,工艺精细。Screen in Qing Dynasty,247cm in height,158cm inlength,84cm in width,jades figure inlaying,grandmodeling and elaboration techniques.
    [木器] 发表时间:2022-05-13
  • 木为大自然珍贵的馈赠,诠释着天人合一的理念。天然原材料在鬼斧神工的精巧工匠手中幻化成神奇的实用器具,演变为中医药文化元素的载体。Wood is a precious gift given by the nature which expresses the theory that man should be integrated with nature.The natural materials are fantastica...
    [木器] 发表时间:2022-05-13
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